SAGE Executive Meeting — 16 June, 2011


In Stuart Whitelaw’s absence Stuart Scobie chaired the meeting.

Stuart Scobie, Janet and Walter Kohler-Bond, John Bourne, Penny Cook, Jo Risk, Sandra Makdessi

Stuart Whitelaw, Fraser Bayley

To allow Jo Risk to leave early Item No. 5 was dealt with first.

1. Funding applications
Jo outlined the criteria for the Caring for Country grant and the different areas of funding. After discussion it was agreed on an application for funding for a series of workshops and for demonstration gardens fencing. One of the workshops would be based on how to build a fence as well.

Stuart Scobie to send Jo copies of any reports from the present project being undertaken plus a spreadsheet of grants money used so far.
Janet to send Jo details of the ESC grant – amount, when received, when acquitted.

Stuart Scobie, Stuart Whitelaw and John Bourne to organise quote for fencing materials and send to Jo by 1 July.

Sandra and Walterto meet and work out cost of workshops to send to Jo by 1 July.

2. Financial report/budget status
Janet reported a balance of $5041.

Stuart Scobie moved that part of this money be used to purchase materials for the roof of the education centre. Seconded John Bourne. Carried

Stuart advised that most of the money for the present Caring for Country grant will be expended by the end of June. Work will include completion of the irrigation systems to the orchard and wicking beds.

3. Correspondence
Letter received from No McDonald in Moruya campaign seeking a letter of support from SAGE. This was sent by Penny this week.

4. SEH committee and river feast
Penny advised of the need for a committee to be formed to organise the river feast which is to be held on the Friday night of the SEH celebration in March 2012.

Penny to email members seeking interest.

5. Allotments
The space between the six-bed rotation gardens and the commercial rows is being divided up into four allotments. They will be pegged out at the working bee. It was also agreed that people who have allotments should attend at least four working bees each twelve months.

Stuart S. to let Walter know how big the allotments are and he will allocate them.

Walter to revisit the SAGE plan re allotment owners attending working bees.

6. Education program
See Item 1.

7. SAGE directions/organisation
Walter advised the meeting that some members had expressed concern about produce from the block not returning to those who are working there. There followed discussion about how to address this problem although it was pointed out that sale of produce has been to repay debts. Now that those debts have been paid it is necessary to address this problem. Suggestions included a book of hours worked, a voucher system, a SAGE identifier.

Stuart S. and Stuart W. to work on a one-page set of points to be presented to members for comment.

8. Working bee
Jobs to be completed at the working bee include:

  • pegging out of new allotments
  • repairing the wicking bed
  • composting orchard
  • general tidying up.

9. Any other business
Stuart raised the question about Multiguard snail bait and it was agreed that people with allotments should be able to use it in moderation provided it is place in an enclosed container.

Penny to advise members of this decision.

Meeting closed at 6 pm.

Also in AGMs & other meetings


2024 AGM minutes
2024 AGM

NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General Meeting of SAGE NSW incorporated is to be held at:

SAGE Garden at 110 Queen St Moruya NSW 2537

on Sunday 25 August 2024 at 11am.


NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General Meeting of SAGE NSW incorporated is to be held at: SAGE Garden at 110 Queen St Moruya NSW 2537 on 19 August 2023 at 11am.