1. Attendance/apologies
Caroline Power, Frances Southon, Penny Cook
Stuart Scobie, John Bourne, Janet Kohler-Bond, Fraser Bayley, Sandra Makdessi, Penny Cook, Geoff Scott, Stuart Whitelaw, Adrian Cram, Wendy Jones.
2. Administration
Minutes — minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by John Bourne and seconded by Adrian Cram.
Financial report — Geoff advised he has established the investment account with ING so we can earn more interest.
3. Matters Arising
Stuart W. advised that he and Stuart S had a meeting with Head of Planning and planning staff regarding small structures on the flood plain. The way forward seems to be to design and engineer a prototype shed for growers that would meet all SEPP requirements along with the required management/ risk analysis plans.
If this could be achieved it would allow easier approvals for new growers and may be applicable to other areas of the state.
4. Recipe book
Are now on sale at ESD, Rustic Pantry, Moruya Books and Fraser’s market stall. They will also be sold at the festival and at SAGE.
5. Mowing roster
The mower has been serviced and belt replaced. John has enough people on the roster now, but the rain is holding up training. The new whipper snipper has been purchased.
6. Rabbits
Chris Gilbert has been appointed as a contract shooter for the shire. SAGE is included on the list of places he will patrol for rabbits. He has shot at least 22 so far on the SAGE block.
7. Harvest festival/garden blitz
Harvest festival
There will be a SAGE stall at the festival open between 9am and 3pm. Sandra will organise a staffing roster. We will be allocated a 4.5x3m tent. We will enrol members, sell recipe books, have a slide show, display produce and unusual hand tools, display and sell paintings and prints from the Food and Art guide.
Garden blitz
A plan showing the garden area divided into 7 separate zones was distributed. After discussion the Team leaders for the day are:
Area 1- John
Area 2- Wendy
Area 3- Walter
Area 4- Stu S
Area 5- Adrian plus one other
Area 6- Karen
Area 7- Stuart W.
Adrian will be site manager.
We will require additional tools on the Blitz day: Wheelbarrows, shovels, spades, pitchforks for mulch, garden forks. Include in email to members.
There are a number of pre blitz tasks that need to be done next Sunday 11th March
1. Remove grass in the gravel under the roof (mattocks, rakes)
2. Dig trenches for hard edges for garden beds
3. Wheelbarrow soil from stockpile to garden beds
4. Locate new wicking bed adjacent to sink and move stockpile of gravel to fill
5. Rake existing path of weeds
6. Pick up any sharp objects (roofing off cuts) and rubbish for recycling.
7. Weather permitting have a bonfire to clean up surplus wood.
8. Depending on soil condition, cultivate some beds for planting
9. Divide lemongrass for replanting
Materials Needed | Action |
Cardboard for mulching | SW plus all |
Newspaper for mulching | Janet plus all |
Hardwood chip mulch (20 cubic metres) dump on future carpark area |
Janet |
Market Tent as gate house | Stu S |
Donation buckets | John B |
Decomposed Granite | Adrian |
Concrete pavers, cement, sand, concrete mixer, plate vibrator | Adrian |
18 March Activities/Jobs
Set up SAGE stall under roof. Include membership, recipe book sales |
Sandra,Caroline |
Set Up BBQ and operators | John |
Make identifying name tags | SW |
Assist Cameron Williams | ?? |
Guided Tours | Peter Gow plus others |
Welcome people | ?? |
8. Any other business
Walter has donated $100 from the very successful bee workshop.
Stuart W to contact Riverfeast food organisers and Cameron Williams regarding use of corn and dried beans for both Riverfeast and Blitz.
Photographer for both video and stills needed for both days. Suggest John Hicks and Lou Glover be approached.
Meeting closed at 7.00 pm.