Stuart Whitelaw, Stuart Scobie, Adrian Cram, Wendy Jones, Penny Cook
Janet Kohler-Bond, Fraser Bayley, John Bourne, Sandra Makdessi
1. Education program for 2011
Penny advised that Sandra Makdessi has agreed to be the Education Coordinator. The program for the year will begin with three workshops by Walter (March, April, May). Wendy agreed to hold a pruning workshop during winter and Adrian is happy to do one on irrigation (installing drip-lines, etc). Stuart Scobie will present a workshop on Ethical Food Choices and Fraser Bayley is to do something on commercial growing. There was discussion about cost and it was agreed to charge $15 for non-members, $10 for members and $20 for those who wished to join SAGE at the same time. Advertising was discussed and a number of free options and mailing lists were highlighted. Stuart W. said that if we could have our program prepared six months in advance we would be able to advertise in Sustain. It was agreed that we should try and present at least one really well-known speaker each year.
2. Greywater project
Stuart S. is to go ahead and arrange the purchase of another tank from Harrisons which will be for the treated effluent water only and to be used in the wicking beds. Adrian will do all the plumbing and organise a ditch witch to dig the trenches.
3. Meeting with SERRROC
Stuart W. met with Geoff Pryor from SERRROC earlier this week. They are very interested in what we are doing at SAGE. He also met with the head of DECW, Gerry Gillespie, who is very excited about our work and will be a good contact.
4. Lawn mowing
Tina Crowley from Eurocare has advised that Yumaro Industries have agreed to take on the mowing and maintenance of the ‘house’ block at SAGE. They will be using all their own equipment. Stuart W. will arrange to meet with her shortly. Apparently John Bourne has received three or four expressions of interest to join the lawn mower’s group and Stuart W. will arrange with John to demonstrate the new mower to this group as soon as possible.
5. Working bee
The next working bee is on 20 March and the following jobs need to be completed:
- mulching and placing edges around fruit trees
- irrigation work
- commercial bed preparation and planting
- wicking beds
- cleaning out the shed.
The meeting closed at 5pm.