November has seen the committee planning our first social event for a long time, working through the new e-market software, the exciting Stepping Stone Farm EcoCrews program, calling out for volunteers, working on the charitable status and planning for the future of the SAGE Garden in Moruya.

Our most exciting news this month is that we are finally able to host a social event at the SAGE Garden! The Summer Solstice Gathering on Sunday 19 December will be a time to celebrate the start of a summer of gratitude and I hope to see many of you there.

Following a long development and testing period we have now gone live with our new e-market software. We trust you find it easy to shop with us. We have been well served by the original software but support was becoming too difficult and we decided to transition to a proprietary system offering long term and widespread support. Whilst on the e-market, the number of orders is steadily increasing, we have a great band of volunteers who make it all possible and our vendors really appreciate the additional sales.

The Stepping Stone Farm education program and new partnership with Campbell Page under the EcoCrews banner has commenced and we were delighted that our 2021 intern Shani Keane was selected to lead the new team under Joyce Wilkie’s management. You can read about the Eco Crews partnership in this media release.  

You will see a few volunteer call-outs on this newsletter, for the Tuesday Farmers eMarket and Stepping Stone Farm so if volunteering is one your list of things to do as we emerge from lockdown, please consider these or any of our volunteering opportunities which you can read about here

The management committee continues to work on funding opportunities, working on achieving charitable status, bedding down the new website, planning for the future of the SAGE Garden in Moruya.  

I hope you enjoy this newsletter and look forward to seeing you on 19th December.




Also in Sage Project News

Food shares - an open letter to the community
Food shares - an open letter to the community

SAGE member Lindsay Gates - coordinator of the SAGE food shares, pens her thoughts and journey to food shares with a beautiful open letter to the community, and an invitation to get  to excited about food by attending, Read Lindsay's letter.   

Backyard gardening   - February tips from Alison Walsh
Backyard gardening - February tips from Alison Walsh

It’s been a fabulous growing season!

After a very dry spring, January started with rain, and it has continued to be a pretty perfect summer for veggies.


New regulations threaten future of SAGE Farmers Market
New regulations threaten future of SAGE Farmers Market

Concern is mounting that new food safety regulations could put local vegetable growers out of business and bring about the end of the iconic SAGE Farmers Market in Moruya.

The NSW Food Authority recently released a draft of its new food regulations which will impact all vegetable growers, dairies, and egg, meat and seafood producers from February 2025.